Did you see the FDA’s big news on the hand sanitizer shortage?

Dear Friends,

Mark Holm here, your favorite promotional products specialist. I hope you and your family are staying safe and well in this challenging time.

I saw a piece of news that made me think of you this week.

You see, I ran out of hand sanitizer a few weeks ago and was shocked to see it selling for $13.99 a bottle online…when I used to be able to buy it at the pharmacy for $1.99. I even heard that some local gas stations were selling it for $50 a bottle!

So I was thinking about that this week when I saw that the FDA relaxed the requirements for producing ethanol, in the hopes that it will boost the industry’s ability to turn out more ethanol for hand sanitizer more quickly.

After all, there is still a nationwide shortage on hand sanitizer with little signs of going away any time soon.

Believe it or not, if you’re creative you can even Make your own hand sanitizer gel! It’s way easier than you might think.

Anyway, here’s why I wanted to mention it to you:

  • Hand-Sanitizer Is On Everyone’s Mind Right Now. That Video Above Has Close To 800,000 Views! The FDA Announcement Made Headlines…When Has That Happened Before?
  • Your Clients Are Thinking About Hand Sanitizer…Maybe They Can’t Get It Too.
  • Put 1 And 2 Together, And You’ve Got An Opportunity!

Witness: One Of The Hottest Promotional Items Right Now Are Logoed Hand Sanitizers. They Come In A Variety Of Forms, But Think Of That Little Bottle On The Rubber Bracelet, Emblazoned With Your Company’s Logo.

What Better Way To Remain Top-Of-Mind With Your Folks Than With Mini Bottle Of Hand Sanitizer And A Wrist Bracelet They Can Keep In The Car, Next To The Computer, On The Desk …Basically Anywhere They Go (Where They Will See YOU)!

You Might Even Go For A Stand-Alone Bottle Of Hand Sanitizer With Your Full-Color Logo On It. Maybe This One For Those Folks Who Are In Constant Contact With The Outside World – Like A Little Billboard That Gets Perched Just Next To The Cellphone – And Touched Nearly As Often.

Hey look here’s the other thing: why, after all, do people want hand sanitizer?

Because it kills viruses, Jack.

Yes, but did you know what the CDC says is the best way to kill viruses like COVID-19?

Not hand sanitizer….

Not ultraviolet light….

Regular old soap and water.

Yep, there’s something about the chemical property of soap and how it clings to the molecules of the virus wall and tears them open….it’s something that makes soap far more effective than hand sanitizer at killing all viruses and bacteria….the critters that might not otherwise be wiped out with hand sanitizer…

So here’s an idea:

Monogrammed bars of soap.

You can get your company’s logo emblazoned on a beautiful bar of lavender soap, deep and grooved so it takes a long time to fade away with use; square and rough at the top, a technicolor, waxy rectangle wrapped only with a belt of printed cardboard (also carrying your logo), like those expensive ones at the grocery store you can smell from twenty feet away.

Or package them all together into a hand-cleanliness care package:

• a dangle-from-the-wrist mini-bottle of hand sanitizer

• a desktop (or car) bottle for easy use

• a beautiful bar of delicately scented hand soap

All of them…marked with your logo and slogan.

What better way to give your clients and customers something they’ll remember and think fondly of you for providing, than the very things they can’t get right now?

By the way, yes, I CAN AND DO have a pipeline for getting hand sanitizer…one of the side-benefits of being in this line of work.

So let me help you put some important weapons for battling COVID-19 into your customer and clients’ hands…where they will stay healthy and well…thanks to you.

And of course, once it comes time to buy your company’s products or services, your reminders will be close at hand (literally!).

Thank you

Thanks for reading, and Call me today if you’d like to put together any one, or all, of the items above for your clients and customers.

I wish you peace and health in these challenging times.

Warm Regards,

Mark Holm


Ideal Printing Promos & Wearables

2795 East Bidwell Street #100 #246

Folsom, CA 95630

t. 916.990.3502 | f. 916.983.5021

[email protected]

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